Veterans: America Needs You, Now More Than Ever

This post was published in the original format by Andrew Hutchinson on Linkedin.

“Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy

Veterans—America needs you, now more than ever.

You raised your right hand and served our country. You sacrificed your own comfort and freedom so that others might enjoy it more fully. The country owes you a great debt of gratitude, but it also needs you now more than ever. It would be very easy to fade off into the shadows, to hang up the uniform and fight no more. To live a quiet life after years of time away from loved ones and comfort. But that’s not what America needs right now.

Our country is becoming more and more divided. Now more than ever, America needs you to help unify the country. No one understands better than you how to do this. When you were deployed and faced danger, it didn’t matter the race, religion, gender, or political beliefs of the person to your right or to your left. All that mattered was that you could look into their eyes and nod at them knowing they had your back—knowing that they would be there for you when you needed it. Veterans, you put aside the differences of those to your left and right when you served this country, and now it’s time to help the rest of the country do the same. Let us not judge others based on where they are from, who they choose to worship, who they love, or the color of their skin. As MLK reminds us, let us judge them by the content of their character.

Veterans—America needs you, now more than ever.

You were a leader in the military, and America needs you to lead once again. To lead with compassion, empathy, and character—and to show others how to do the same. America needs you to lead in the classroom, in corporate America, in non-profits, and in the government. America needs you to start companies and to fill them with diverse individuals—because diversity is what makes this country strong. You served in diverse groups in the military, groups with soldiers from every corner of the world, and from every part of the country. You know best the power of good leadership, and you have the power to show others what it looks like.

Veterans—America needs you, now more than ever.

We are at a point in our history where two roads are diverging, and you must choose which road you will go down. You chose the road less traveled when you raised your right hand to serve, and America needs you to do it once again. Not because there aren’t others that can do it—but because America needs more courageous people to show the way—and you are the ones that can do it.

My grandmother immigrated to America 75 years ago from Venezuela to find a better life and to become a nurse. When my grandfather married her in the early 1950s, his decision to marry a non-white, Venezuelan immigrant was frowned upon by many in his circles. She was bullied and called names and endured racism—but my grandmother was brave and courageous, she kept her head up high and made a better life for herself and for her family.

At the outbreak of the Korean War in the 1950s, my Korean grandmother had to flee with her younger siblings for their lives. She was just a teenager at the time, and sadly, not all of her siblings would survive the war. She came to America in the 1970s so that she could create a better life for herself and for her daughters. So that they could have opportunities, and freedom, and hope of a better tomorrow. My Korean mother was not fully accepted when she immigrated to America as a young teenager. She endured bullying and name-calling and racism. There were times when she wasn’t sure if she could go on. But she was strong and courageous—and was determined to carve out a good life for herself.

Fast forward to today, and the children and grandchildren of these immigrant women have graduated from schools like UC Berkeley, Stanford, West Point, UT Austin, and Texas A&M. They’ve worked in medicine, technology, engineering, energy, science, and served in the military.

We cannot go back to a point in our nation’s history where people are not accepted for who they are, where they feel they cannot belong because of where they are from, or the color of their skin, or whom they worship or love.

Veterans—America needs you, now more than ever.

You proudly wore the American flag on your right shoulder and served when the country needed you most. You leaned in and took a stand to give a voice to the voiceless. You helped give power to the powerless. You may look back on your time in the service and wonder what it was all for. You look at the world and you may ask yourself if you made a difference, if you served in vain. The best way to honor your service is to serve once again. To stand up and empower your community to be better. To empower them to love more, accept more, and seek more to understand.

Veterans—America needs you, now more than ever. Which road will you choose?

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost

**Do you know a veteran who has transitioned and has stepped up to make a difference? Acknowledge them and thank them in the comments section.**

About the Author

Andrew Hutchinson served in the Army from 2006-2013 and deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. He helps foster more understanding and belonging in the world through his work at @Airbnb. Before joining Airbnb, he helped to build @Team Red, White, and Blue so that veterans can find community after getting out of the military.


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