Scholarships for Veterans

Besides the GI Bill, veterans can access dozens of different scholarships to help fund their education. Scholarships for veterans can help cover living expenses, gaps in BAH coverage, and additional educational opportunities like research and career treks.

Many of these scholarships require nothing more than an essay or an application. And beyond money, they can also offer a network, mentorship, and resources to help veteran students pursue their educational goals. These two lists will continue to be updated as more scholarships like these are found.

And before you rule yourself out of pursuing private scholarships, know that millions of dollars of scholarship money goes unclaimed every year. There’s no reason to hold back from throwing yourself into the mix and taking a shot at getting some extra money to fund your education.

General Scholarships

With over 40 scholarships available to veterans, this list has tens of thousands of dollars in opportunity to help veterans succeed in pursuing their higher education goals. There are scholarships from law offices, veteran-oriented non-profits, and private businesses who want to help veterans pursue higher education and bring their military experience into the civilian world.

School-Specific Scholarships

This list has 30+ (with more being added) scholarships vailable at specific schools. Many have endowments specific to funding scholarships just for veterans. For most schools, there will not be a separate application process for these scholarships. The admissions committee will decide how these funds are distributed, but seeing the amount and types of resources available at each school can help inform your decision on where to apply.


Top University Endowments For Veterans

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Free Online Classes for Veterans