Revolutionizing Water Heaters: John Hynds on Sustainability and Cost

John Hynds found that he was always a tinkerer.  From his time working on avionics in the military, he knew he liked to fiddle with things and learn how they work.  So he started a path in engineering and now working on his own business and looking to disrupt how water heaters are used in the home.

Torii Industries


United States Patent and Trademark Office

How to Get a Patent in 5 Steps

Started by a pair of veterans who graduated from Wharton, VRB Labs makes high-quality CBD for a directed purpose. What do I mean? Most CBD is said to be a catch-all. Bad sleep? Trouble focusing? Aches and pain? Here is one thing to cover them all. Problem is…it doesn’t usually work like that.

That’s why I love VRB Labs. They have a Sleep, Work, and Recovery formula so you can get a targeted approach. And I have to works great. Try it out here and use code “vetpro” to save 15%. And just as an additional kicker know that 10% of all their profits go back to helping wounded warriors.

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