10 Ways Google Is Helping Veterans.
Google is helping out in more than just offering jobs or having veteran hiring programs — they are putting money into programs that are directly aimed at helping veterans.
Read moreGoogle is helping out in more than just offering jobs or having veteran hiring programs — they are putting money into programs that are directly aimed at helping veterans.
Read moreThere are a lot of misconceptions about veterans that are getting out of the military and transitioning. And what is one of the misconceptions? There is a misconception that veterans are either heroes, or they are victims.
Read moreThere are two non-profit organizations that stand out for connecting veterans with industry professionals for mentorship and networking: American Corporate Partners (ACP) and Veterati.
Read moreThe whole disability system has an unjustified negative stigma about it. As vets, we take pride in pushing through the pain. We will say “Whatever, I’ll drink water and take some ibuprofen and I’ll be fine.”
Read moreIt is in the space of discomfort where we grow. Hard times make people who know how to deal with them. Find ways to take part in these experiences and find other people who want to do the same.
Read moreMy family wasn’t rich. Neither were we poor. But my parents always had money for books. And I started my[…]
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